Where can you find authentic extra virgin olive oil in the US?

Americans will vividly remember the scandal of a few years ago, when police investigations and raids led to a grim discovery: much of the olive oil sold in New York and New Jersey as extra virgin was actually soybean oil of very low quality.
It was shocking news that rang out like a bombshell and led to the arrest of dozens of people involved in the Mafia. This happened to the great disappointment of the American population: authentic Made in Italy extra virgin olive oil is one of the most beloved Italian products sold in the United States, esteemed and respected by different generations willing to spend tens of dollars in order to secure authentic Italian olive oil.
From New York to California, ensure that you are buying authentic extra virgin olive oil
It doesn't only happen in New York and New Jersey. According to a study by the University of Davis (California), more than two-thirds of the brands of extra virgin olive oil found in Californian food stores are not what they claim to be.
There is a wide spectrum of problems, ranging from oil passed off as extra virgin but made from lower quality olives to outright counterfeits where oil marketed as EVO oil is actually made from soybean, hazelnut, sunflower seed and even fish mixed with very low-quality olive pomace oil.
Some tips for recognizing authentic extra olive virgin oil
How to navigate the EVO oil market, where--as is often the case with food--the supply chain is so vast that it is not uncommon that misconduct happens?
The first alarm bell is the price: if you're looking for authentic Italian EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE oil, you can't expect to spend 7 or 8 dollars per bottle.
The second tip is to check the label thoroughly: has the oil in question really been produced in Italy? If so, where?
The third suggestion is to contact trusted retailers who can guarantee the transparency of the processes and the conformity of the products.
Buy 100% Italian EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE oil online at Healthy Italia
Created by Cristina Bossini, a young Italian who has relocated permanently to New Jersey, the Healthy Italia project includes--in addition to an extensive calendar of Italian cooking classes and Italian prepared food sales service--an e-commerce shop of Italian food consisting almost exclusively of private labels.
None of the brands are at risk for counterfeiting: the extra virgin olive oil as well as the balsamic vinegar, pastasciutta (pasta with sauce), and risotto sold by Healthy Italia are made by small laboratories, oil mills, and pasta factories that collaborate directly with us and guarantee us tracking and traceability of processes.
A fluid system from producer to consumer, with Healthy Italia as the only intermediary to ensure its customers the absolute conformity of the products it offers for sale.
Healthy Italy - La Buona Cucina, where authentic 100% Italian extra virgin olive oil is from home.
For more information, please contact us at no obligation.